Tuesday, April 21, 2009


awww today at last dpt webcam wif abah..
he looks sad but at the same time he sounds happy when i look at him in front of the camera..
ow dad, u really dont know how much i miss u!
im totally act cool in front of him 
but in my heart are actually crying..
he became speechless when he saw me..
i know he would do that because we both miss each other..
well im doing the same thing...hmphh
at the end we didnt talk much bcoz of the internet coverage..-.-"
P/S: love u ABAH!

ALOO nk letak pic abah tp gune laptop org so xdapek den nk letak..ngee..


mommysarah said...

alahai...sedihnya akak dengar. takpe...tak lama lg nak blk kan....

erni rineelawati buhari said...

huhuhu iya...wuhuuu x sbar nk balek...