Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Assalamualaikum wbt,

jika ingin mengenaliku bacalah nukilanku.
jika hanya ingin mencari kesalahanku lupakan sahaja niatmu
jika ingin mencari kesalahanku untuk menzalimiku hanya tuhan sahaja yang mampu membalas perbuatanmu..
aku insan yang punyai perasaan sepertimu
tiada insan lebih sempurna melainkan Rasulullah SAW kekasih ALLAH SWT
aku ingin lalui hidup dengan tenang dgn keredhaanNYA
tapi apalah hidup tanpa dugaan sedangkan aku hanya insan biasa
aku pernah terleka
aku pernah terluka
akhirnya aku menemui jalanNYA
doakan yang terbaik untuk diriku agar lebih kuat daripada sebelumnya
terima kasih atas segalanya.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Umrah :)

Alhamdulillah..syukur ke hadrat illahi~
aku masih berpeluang untuk bangun dari tidur untuk bersahur dan beribadah untukNya pada pagi ini..
perkara yang paling menyesal tak update sebelum ni ialah Umrah..
Pada tarikh 24 Julai 2012
aku mengambil keputusan untuk menunaikan umrah bersama abang ku Md Erwan Nasri dengan menggunakan khidmat Andalusia Travel & Tours..
Paling menarik, aku terdetik untuk menggunakan khidmat dari Andalusia kerana pada satu ketika semasa aku sedang bersedia untuk bersolek pada hari pertunanganku, ade suara2 menyebut perihal Umrah dgn menggunakan khidmat dari Andalusia..
Dengan niat itu aku terus menyuarakan hasrat ku kepada kakak ku dan Alhamdulillah tuhan telah permudahkan segala urusan~
Sudah menjadi kebiasaan untuk mengenali kenalan baru mengambil sedikit masa...
Bermulalah 3 hari ku di Madinah dan mengenali dengan lebih dekat bersama rakan sebilik yang disenangi dengan panggilan Cik Ida, Cik Tati, Aunty Midah & Cik Mah..mereka banyak membantu dan menemani aku sepanjang hari di sana..
Alhamdulillah kami sangat rapat dengan masa yg begitu pantas mungkin kerana satu kepala yang membuatkan kami erat sepanjang masa
Kemudian diikuti dengan 8 hari di Makkah..Subhanallah indah seindah2nya Baitullah (Kaabah) milik Nya..
kami terus berniat ihram sebelum sampai ke Makkah,,
Umrah pertama aku dapat lakukannya bersama abang..
Umrah yang kedua aku berniat untuk melakukannya untuk ibuku Sosilawati Binti Lawiya
Umrah yang ketiga aku buat untuk diri sendiri..
ini merupakan kali kedua aku menjejaki Makkah dan pada kali ini tentunya berbeza daripada umrah sebelumnya yang dahulunya aku membuat umrah bersama ibuku dan makcik saudaraku...
ketika membuat umrah untuk ibuku...terasa amat sebak setelah memulakan perjalananku ke Masjidil Haram aku tidak berhenti menangis tp aku tetap memujuk hati agar tidak menangis...
sesudah tawaf sebanyak 7 kali aku bersolat di Multazam dan berdoa sepuas2nya sambilmengingati ibu yg tersayang.. Ya Allah, air mata ku bercucuran tidak henti2 kerana menahan kesedihan yang terlampau lama~
sesudah habis aku pulang dan terus terbaring di bilik..
Pada waktu itu aku bersyukur dan pada masa yang sama aku dapat merasakan aku tidak dapat membuat umrah ini tanpa bantuan Allah SWT..
kerana ketika aku membuat umrah matahari sangat terik dan jemaah lain yang berniat utk membuat umrah denganku kebanyakannya mahu menunaikan umrah pada waktu gelap kerana ketika itu musim panas di Makkah....
Hari Ramadhan di Makkah sangat berbeza tidak kira dari segi makanan dan rahmatnya sepanjang hari2 ku di sana...
Semua org berpusu2 untuk beribadah di sana sempena bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini..
Jangkaan ku salah sebelum aku datang ke Makkah kerna aku sangkakan cuaca panas dan bermacam2 lagi..
Aku dapat rasakan bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan yang sangat bagus untuk membuat umrah berbanding umrah yang pernah di buat pada bulan2 lain..
Bak kata Ustaz Daud Che Ngah "menunaikan umrah pada bulan Ramadhan sama pahalanya seperti menunaikan Haji bersama Rasulullah SAW" 
betapa besarnya fadhilat ini dan jauh di sudut hati aku sungguh beruntung kerana dapat menunaikannya pada bulan Ramadhan..
Akhirnya, sampai lah aku di tanah air dan alhamdulillah telah banyak yang aku amalkan di sana akan ku jadikan pedoman dan insya Allah akan ku terapkan di sini sebaik mungkin..
segala ilmu yang ku terima sepanjang ceramah yang diberikan oleh pihak Andalusia sentiasa terpahat di hati..
Semoga Allah mengampuni dosa2 ku dan mohon dapat mempertingkatkan iman untuk menjadi muslimin yang sejati.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

pack pack pack

i'm getting ready for HOLIDAY yaww~
i hope everything went well and super fun.
  • 4 nice clothes & hijab
  • swimming clothe
  • telekung & sejadah
  • bath product
  • make up
  • skin care product
  • camera
  • handphone, galaxy tab, charger.
  • happy face!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

adat vs religion

salam 1 Malaysia, ;p

hello ladies and gentlemen
i've been reading one entry blog who saying about Adat vs Agama..
well he complaining more about adat melayu nowadays..
80% i agree but other 20% totally disagree..
the good thing that i like about his entry,
he issued about hantaran and the wedding reception expenditures~
sometimes people get ridiculous about the number it self :p
well it depends on both parties too you know.
especially the groom whether he like it or not.
*i try to be fair here~
i just want to conclude either adat or religion..all that important is we do the compulsory first that what have been told from our Prophet Rasullah S.A.W then if you able to make your wedding day as glorious as u imagine just make it happen.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 17th and still counting..

Its already 17day being miss fiancĂ©e to my beloved man Jani Izwandy..
Alhamdulillah so far we been through everything very well..
its kinda process for us to know more about each other 
so there is a lot things to learn
I just wish everything went well..
to my fiancee, 
i hope u will go easily with me since im much more younger than you
just for reminder, im not perfect human being..
correct me if im wrong..
i have my big EGO sometimes but im soft too..
please love me with all your heart
thank you for choosing me 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Engagement day

Assalamualaikum :)
this is some of my engagement picture taken by ministry of moment.
I would like to thank everybody that had been taking part of making my engagement ceremony successful
Most Importantly my sister Erni Dekritawati Yuliana & my brother in law Kamarulazlan for being the big part of my engagement ceremony.
and beautiful siblings Erwan Suwari Rizuwan, Md Erwan Nasri, Erni Erinawati Sofia & Siti Nur Fatimah

To my dulang angels on that day  : Dalilah Bt Zainal Abidin, Fariza Mayangsari, Nurul Farihaa Binti Zainol, Ungku Anna Alysa, Hur' ain Binti Omar, Nur Amalina Zafirah, Siti Norfaraheen Binti Shamsher, Siti Nur Fatimah & Masliyana.

Last but not least Faizul my designer from Rizalman Ibrahim for this beautiful engagement dress.
Thank you very much!

Friday, March 30, 2012


assalamualaikum w.b.t

"Up In The Air"
such an inspirational movie for my post about commitment...
that is why i wrote it right now to show how this variety of commitment effects on our life
it is such an arguments of why people do not care about their commitment especially what happen in US right now..
im being curious about women out there who totally scared of marriage..
not because of the responsibilities that they have to overcome
because the question is do men nowadays ready to have commitments with women?
the movie i have stated here tells us a story about a guy who really does not believe to commitment..
his philosophy make him do not believe in commitment because he thinks he do not have to carry a bag who will only burden him to death..
one of his dialogue written "imagine a bag-pack as ur bf/gf,marriage etc and u carried all along until u die.."
at the end of the day he fall for someone who support his philosophy..a women..
a women who had open his heart to give in commitment to this women..
one day he came up to her house and on that night he numb because the women already had a family..
she called him and ask
women : "What are u doing? go to my house suddenly?that's my family u know and this is my real life"
man : what do u think i'm doing?
women : wait..what?what do u really want?
man :...please make me understand u..what is going on?i thought we have something?
women : i thought we on the same channel here..i'm grown ups and i have a family.just call me when u are lonely alright..
man : (hang up)..

It is a totally bummer..this women were expecting an scandal relationship while she having a beautiful family back home whoever this men was really ready to open his heart and give it to this women who were pretty suits him..he thought she was the one..

Seriously in my opinion..people who do not believe in marriage and any commitments are all cowards.
they been playing safe because afraid of being broken and never believe of a happy relationship..
even if u have a broken hearts never say no to love..
love does HURTS but love also CURE..
It is true that women does love nagging all time(i do) but thinks are getting better and better after a fight..
every relationship had their up and down but no matter what we all know why we love each other..
Furthermore, i just could not understand of certain people who have kids without any marriage tittle..
it is damn same thing if u once married and have kids.

im just saying.peace.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


mana je aku pegi mesti aku suka termenung..
aku suka termenung sebab banyak yang nak difikirkan..
takda masa nak fikir smbil bercakap sebab bercakap penat..
kalau termenung xpenat..
orang boleh ingat aku pandang dia punya lama sampai dia malu sendiri
aku bukan tgk muka dia pon..
realitinya aku suke termenung..
fikir mcm mne nk dapat solution..
kalau nak cari barang yg tercicir..
mesti aku diam dan termenung utk ingatkan balik ingatan..
setengah org suke cari sambil membebel..
tp kalau dah xjumpe betol bru aku bebel jugak la sbb mesti ade org letak tmpt lain..
bukan tu jee..kadang2 kalau rasa marah mesti termenung jugak,,
dengan termenung lah aku boleh tenangkan fikiran and berfikir secara rasional..
pendek kata termenung ni buatkan aku suke pendam perasaan..
in a good way...
tak sume masalah aku kongsi dengan semua org..
sbb hanya tuhan je yg taw ape yang aku pikirkan masa aku termenung..
kalau suke bercerita kat org pon kadang2 segan..
ade jugak bagusnya termenung ni...
sekurang2 nya kita x menyakitkan hati org lain dgn mulut kita,,
dalam hati kita terdetik dalam akal jugaklah kita berfikir..

Make you feel my love- Adele

When the rain
Is blowing in your face
And the whole world
Is on your case
I could offer you
A warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows
And the stars appear
And there is no - one there
To dry your tears
I could hold you
For a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you
Haven't made
Your mind up yet
But I would never
Do you wrong
I've known it
From the moment
That we met
No doubt in my mind
Where you belong
[ Lyrics from: ]
I'd go hungry
I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling
Down the avenue
Know there's nothing
That I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

The storms are raging
On the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change
Are blowing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing
Like me yet

I could make you happy
Make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends
Of the Earth for you
To make you feel my love, To make you feel my love

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pencari jalan mu

Telah banyak yang kulewati
Jalan hitam di dunia
Tak terhitung selama nodai

Masih adakah kesempatan
Bagiku mendekatkan
Hati dan cinta kasihmu

Kuingin bersihkan diriku
Dari segala dosa
Yang telah kuperbuat Hingga kini

Kuingin bersihkan jiwaku
Terangilah dengan segala
Petunjuk jalanmu

Tiada yang ada selainmu
Yang selalu menjagaku
Meski kadang tinggalkanmu
Aku yang hanyalah manusia
Yang mencari jalanmu

Yang pasti kembali padamu

Friday, February 3, 2012

There's a baby coming right up!

Well, first of all i would like to wish congratulate my big sister of her baby..
right after honeymoon they really make it haha
right now the baby is 5 weeks old in her belly tummy..
the best part is when i know the news i can't scream (i scream when im excited)
unfortunately im in the cinema at that time with my boyfriend watching 'HAYWIRE'
and thank god the movie almost comes to an end bcoz after that i didn't focus at all thinking of how happy i am of becoming aunty to my sister child...and i keep on smiling all the way to the car park..damn i feel great!
it is first child from our family to have a kid after my mum.haha but yes its a fact
my boyfriend already had 2niece and a nephew so he would not be bothered..
its alright for him i guess but for me it is such a wonderful feeling to have one..
i said it to farihaa about this and i say "now i know what u feel when u have one"
and she said just wait until the baby comes out u'll get more excited~
i've been thinking..boy?girl?their name?what will they calling u?haha
i sounds stupid..let us just wait...another 8 months to go baby

Thursday, January 19, 2012

some say

can easily get attached especially for the hot one.
eye catching looks, appearance, make up...
plenty of beauty product recently,
not forgetting plastic surgery, botox, placenta from clinics
just to increased their confident level to make other guys melt..
but for men do they really find that woman suits her well in time?
a phrase that we always heard~
if u love her because of beauty, u should forget it because it will just last sooner
if u love her because of her inner side of personality which other people couldn't see it with their own eyes then u have eternity to live with her..
we all know beauty at the outside did not last,
overall, what's important is beauty on the inside...
by the age of 60 u will be unhappy because of her wrinkles
by the age of 60 he will never be fashionable as they look on 20's
by the time she sicks they will never have the time to look after their beauty care..
by the age of 60 they botox that they did last 10 yeas already ruined just like pamela anderson
by the age of 60's ur make up look so ugly and when u look into the mirror, u will dissapointed
by the age of 60's those women who obsessed with plastic surgery find out it is not worth the money
at the end of the day we just gonna appreciate our natural skin as it is..
where we back to square one when we were little kid who do not know how to where make up
and let our skin to be free with the breeze of wind
and there's an old man accompany us
and the person is the one who love us with all his heart and soul
so why rush of choosing your partner ?
mean while u can take your time to know him/her instead..
by the time, u love him/her of "who they are" and not of "what they are"

my dreams: hold hands at the beach until the end of life with my future old man

assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


get it?up here?good~
life never been great starting this year...
everything look so well
i kinda miss my brother lately~
when can we have a nice family dinner laaaaahhh
i miss those moment already
certain things might better be silent but i like to write about it more rather than we hide it
some people like to hide and they tend to 'CONTROL CUN' instead.
dont do that.
people got up and downs
 well probably if u open it little bit, u'll get an attention from others a bit
but when i said to be open i mean 'SPEAK THE TRUTH'
NOT humiliating urself in public for example 'i have sex' damn~not good heh(just for muslims)
keep it to urself okeh..or u might get plenty of negative comments that u wouldn't dare to read
suddenly i got lot of energy to mumbling and im sure my boyfriend already tired n will die of boredom because of me XD well u better not MISTER!
lastly, i feel so COOL tonight.. a.k.a HOT!
i dont know but i just feel it.
haha just joking! love u lots bloggers because u guys let myself to speak with my mind while my face look so serious (focus face) but actually in my mind i was laughing like hell.


Friday, January 6, 2012

5th january 2012

goodnight to all bloggers and readers..
my day is getting better and better since cik comel being here with us..
im totally grateful to Allah for making my dreams came true..
hopefully this year gonna be happiest year i ever had....amin
he's getting a new hair cut yesterday n he looks different ;)
love it!
and to my youngest sister she already going to school
may ur day will be full of laughter in new school ok..
im going to sleep now...goodnight and assalamualaikum

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

salam 2012 ;)

syukur ke hadrat illahi kerana aku diberi peluang untuk berkongsi ceritaku di sini
diberi nafas kehidupan baru pada tahun ini bersama insan yang tersayang..
keluarga ,rakan - rakan dan terutama sekali lelaki yang tidak jemu bersama samaku tika suka dan duka JANI IZWANDY BIN CHE JAN..